Divine Connection

Insights on Yogic Philosophies

Samaya Tantra is one of the three paths of Shakti Worship
Swami Satyasangananda,  Sri Saundarya Lahari - The Descent.
"External japa, pooja and ritual have no place in Samaya Tantra.  According to this tradition of Shakta tantra, the worshipper and the worshipped are one and the same, so who will worship whom? All rituals are visual experiences through an awakened mind. Here Sahasrara chakra is the space in which the union with the divine consciousness is experienced. This is the epitome of yogic and tantric experience that one can have within the frame-work of the human body. Although there are higher chakras than sahasrara, they belong to the divine realms, which open up as awareness goes beyond sahasrara."

She also writes "The earliest traditions of humanity were matriarchal, not patriarchal. [ ... ] Gradually women were subjugated and relegated to lesser roles, and the men became the head of the family. Despite this, the matriarchal system is still alive today in some parts of India, and worshippers of Shakti abound throughout the world."

Regardless the philosophy, the Path or the Branch of yoga all yogic practices are aimed at evolving the mind. There are five states of the evolving mind, these are: dull; dissipated; oscillating; one-pointed; and a mind which is under total control. Mantra plays a huge part in Samaya Tantra.  Mantra may be external or internal. The vibrations from mantra erode tension and shadows in the mind bringing in Light and Wisdom to the dull mind, strengthening the dissipated mind, balancing the oscillating mind, increasing the ability to make the mind one-pointed, and fostering total control of the mind by steadying the pranas utterly.  Mantra awakens visions of higher awareness as it explodes samskaras.
I highly recommend Sw Satyasangananda's extremely beautiful, poetic and edifying commentary on Saundarya Lahari. Of it, Sri Swami Satyananda says "Swami Satyasangananda has aimed her commentary towards the ordinary reader, a category which the majority falls under. Her sound analysis of tantric upasana, its immense benefits and efficacy in averting difficulties through anusthana of mantra, yantra and mandala caters to the layman, who is in dire need."

It is available from www.satyananda.net


Tantra is a philosophy, or creation theory which encourages the individual to recognize the flow of life, the inexorable onward and upness of living. The dance of personal evolution may involve one step forward and two back, two twirls round and one incredible lift each experience inevitably creating progress. Not always immediately and visibly, but eventually.

The human being experiences inexorable progress from mundane consciousness to Trancendental consciousness. The way to hasten this experience is to invite the mind to acknowledge everything as Transcendental. From that acknowledgement, Realisation comes. To honour all the actions in everyday life begin with the simple things you have been taking for granted. In recognition that your arms, hands and mouth work, acknowledge consciously “I am immensely privileged that I have the arms, hands and mouth to be able to feed myself.” Know this to be a privilege.

Wake up smiling in the morning acknowledging that you have a bed to sleep in - honor that privilege. “I have enough brain-power and consciousness to make my way in life” honor that privilege. "I have food every day." "I have wonderful friends." "I can see, plan, create and expand my life and the lives of others." Acknowledge everything because it can all be taken away in the blink of an eye. [One can learn to honor that, too.]

Acknowledging the privilege of beingness is a technique which brings about a Sacred state of Being. Inner Thankfulness means you have made the experiences of life, no matter how small, Significant. This will mean your life will be lived within Sacred Space. This leads to Inner Peace which leads to Inner Devotion.
Sacredness of Being is the gift which Tantra gives. The only sacrifice which is required is sacrificing any attitude which makes life a mundane experience.

 Excerpt from p579 Hatha Yoga Pradipika - ancient Sanskrit verses shining a light on Hatha Yoga.
Commentary by Sw Muktibhodananda, under the guidance of Sri Sw Satyananda.

"Sound exists in the form of vibrations which are of varying frequencies. In fact the brain is constantly emitting hundreds of vibrations every second. The more powerful your consciousness is, the greater the vibrations emanating from your brain will be.

These vibrations are of vary intensity and frequency according to the individual. Just as there are spectra of electro-magnetic and radio waves, etc, similarly there is a whole range of subtle sound waves which travel beyone the brain and can be realised within the brain itself.

In the tradition of tantra, knowledge of the structure and combination of gross and subtle sounds is known as mantra shastra, and is considered to be very important. In fact, it has been said many times that without mantra there is no tantra*. 
According to both the Vedas and the Bible, the seed out of which the gross manifestation of the material universe is emerging is a matrix of eternal sound".

* NoteTantra is a yogic philosophy focusing on mantra. 
From the deepest experience of mantra a geometric experience (yantra) arises in the mind. 
From the deepest experience of yantra a vision of the Divine arises. 
In this way meditation reaches towards the experience of kaivalya and
daily life is raised from the mundane to the transcendental.

Hatha Yoga Pradipika is available from www.satyananda.net (Australia)


All yogic philosophies will lead us to Self-realisation. Realisation of Truth, This is not just the aim of Vedanta - it is the aim of all yogic philosophies.

Samkhya is a little-discussed philosophy which does not deify the Divine as other yogic philosophies do. Instead, Samkhya connect us with prakriti (manifest creation) so that you can know it and master it, because in doing so you will Realise your Divine Self.

Samkhya advises that the mantra AUM is the vehicle which aids this process. From aum we came and to aum we will return. Chant the mantra aum directly into each chakra.
If you care to advance the actual process of inspiration and purification then chant aum into vishuddhi chakra, at the base of the throat, for 15-60 minutes, any chance you get.
To increase the state of inner security and steadiness (earth element, prithvi), chant aum into mooladhara.
To expand the capacity for joyousness and ease (water element, apas), chant aum into swadhistana chakra.
To increase willpower and dynamism (fire element, agni), chant aum into manipura chakra.
To expand the state of unconditional love and compassion (air element, vayu), chant aum into anahata chakra.
To connect with your intuitive and Divine wisdom (spave element, akasha), chant aum into ajna chakra.
You can focus on one chakra quite happily without "unbalancing" it, or the other chakras and this is the natural desire one often has. Alternatively, you can chant the exact same amount into every chakra to great benefit.

From AUM we came and to AUM we must return. Begin that return journey, today.